- Repositorio Institucional INGEMMET
- Boletines Geológicos
- Boletín Ingemmet. Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional
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Geología de los cuadrángulos de Atico y Cháparra Hojas 33o y 32o - [Boletín A 149]
INGEMMET, Boletín Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional;n. 149
[ES] -- El área de estudio se localiza entre los departamentos de Ayacucho y Arequipa; comprende la provincia de Caravelí y los distritos de Atico y Chaparra. Se encuentra ubicada entre los paralelos 15°30’ S y 16°15’ S. Morfológicamente se localiza entre la línea costera y el borde oeste de la Cordillera Occidental en el sur de los Andes Peruanos. Las unidades geomorfológicas fueron definidas por sus características fisiográficas, composición litológica, aspectos erosivos y características tectónicas y corresponden a: Llanura Costanera, depresión de pampa redonda, borde oeste de la Cordillera Occidental y Valles. La estratigrafía del cuadrángulos de Atico (33o) y Chaparra (32o), está compuesto por secuencias clásticas, volcanoclásticas y carbonatadas, cuyas edades van del Paleozoico hasta el Cenozoico. Los contactos de estas unidades, en algunos casos, son controlados por fallas de orientación E-O y en otros casos, pueden observarse inconformidades, discordancias angulares y/o erosiónales entre las diferentes unidades estratigráficas. Las rocas más antiguas son gneises, migmatitas y esquistos micáceos, cloritosos y hornbléndicos del Complejo Basal de la Costa de edad Paleoproterozoico - Neoproterozoico (1862±8.11 - 996.4 ± 5.3 Ma, U-Pb). Estas son cortadas por dioritas, sienogranitos y monzogranitos de edad Ordovícica (471.0 ± 3.7 Ma, U-Pb). Ambas unidades son sobreyacidas en inconformidad por rocas sedimentarias de edad Paleozoica, atribuidas a los grupos Ambo, Tarma y Mitu. Las rocas del Mesozoico afloran al NO de Atico y SO de Chaparra, donde se aprecia la Formación Chocolate, una secuencia del Jurásico inferior constituida por lavas andesíticas intercaladas con brechas volcánicas. Sobreyaciendo, se tiene a una unidad volcano-sedimentaria de edad Jurásico medio (162±0.5 Ma, UPb), constituida por niveles de lavas andesíticas violáceas y escasos estratos de areniscas calcáreas, intercaladas con conglomerados, calizas y tobas soldadas, las que han sido asociadas a la Formación Río Grande. La secuencia continúa con niveles consistentes de aglomerados volcánicos cortados por diques de orientación N120°. Las unidades Mesozoicas infrayacen a las rocas sedimentarias de la Formación Moquegua del Eoceno-Oligoceno y niveles de ignimbritas de la caldera Parinacochas, de edad Mioceno (9.97±0.38, U-Pb). Las rocas intrusivas están bastamente expuestas en el área de los cuadrángulos de Atico (33o) y Chaparra (32o), las mismas que cubren aproximadamente el 60% de la superficie. Afloran a manera de cinturones elongados de orientación E-O y pequeños stocks. La edad de las intrusiones decrece desde la costa hacia zonas internas. Teniendo en cuenta los trabajos de campo y los estudios microscópicos, combinados con geoquímica y estudios de geocronología isotópica, las intrusiones pueden ser divididas en cinco (5) periodos, (i) Ordovícico (471-463 Ma), (ii) Jurásico medio (168-157 Ma), (iii) Jurásico superior (153-145 Ma), (iv) Cretácico inferior (141-112 Ma) y (v) Cretácico superior (92-71Ma). Las principales estructuras tienen una orientación de E-O a N110°, lo que afecta a las unidades precambrianas y paleozoicas en la zona sur del área de estudio. Las estructuras más importantes son las fallas Choclón, Torrez Grande, Médanos y Pan de Azúcar, estructuras que probablemente sean heredadas y hayan sufrido varios movimientos a lo largo de la historia geológica de la zona. En la zona norte, las estructuras son fallas de rumbo sinestral que afectan al Batolito de la Costa y tienen una orientación ~N140°; las fallas más importantes de este dominio son la Falla Calpa y la Falla Achanizo. Los trabajos de campo en los cuadrángulos de Atico (33o) y Chaparra (32o) han permitido identificar nuevas ocurrencias de minerales económicos, tanto metálicos como no metálicos. La presencia de oro (Au), cobre (Cu) y la relación de hierro (Fe)- manganeso (Mn), plomo (Pb) – zinc (Zn), calizas y minerales de yeso marcan la geología económica del área. De entre estos minerales, el Au y el Cu son los principales depósitos económicos, mientras que el Fe-Mn es secundario respecto de los dos anteriores. En el rio Chala, al norte de Arequipa, parte occidental del área de estudio, la explotación de Au en vetas es la más activa. La mineralización en el área de estudio está asociada a la intrusión de grandes volúmenes de material magmático, durante el periodo Jurásico - Cretácico. La mayor parte de las ocurrencias metálicas están asociadas a vetas de cuarzo, óxidos y panizo; pero existen también evidencias de mineralización asociada a depósitos del tipo IOCG y Pórfido de Cu.
[EN] -- The study area is located within the Ayacucho and Arequipa regions; reaching the Caraveli province and the Atico and Chaparra districts. It is located between 15°30’ S and 16°15’S. Morphologically it is located between the coastal line and the western edge of the Western Cordillera in the southern Peruvian Andes. The geomorphlogical units were defined by their physiographic characteristics, lithologic composition, erosional aspects and tectonic features. These units are called the Coastal Plain, Pampa Redonda Depression, west border of the Western Cordillera and incised valleys. The stratigraphy of the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles is composed by clastic, volcano-clastic and carbonate sequences, which ages range from the Paleozoic to the Cenozoic. Contacts of these units in some cases are controlled by E-W faults, and in other cases there are disconformities and angular and/or erosional unconformities between the different stratigraphic units. The older rocks are gneises, migmatites and mica schists of hornblende and chlorite composition of the Coastal Basal Complex of Paleoproterozoic - Neoproterozoic age (1862±8.11 - 996.4 ± 5.3 Ma. U-Pb), these are intruded by diorites, sienogranites and monzogranites of Ordovician ages (471.0 ± 3.7 Ma, U-Pb), these units are being covered unconformably by sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic ages from Ambo, Tarma and Mitu Groups. The Mesozoic rock outcrops are NW of Atico and SW of Chaparra, where the Chocolate Formation lays, this sequence of the Lower Jurassic is composed of andesitic lavas interbedded with volcanic breccia. On top of this unit there is a volcano-sedimentary of Middle Jurassic age (162 ± 0.5 Ma, U-Pb), composed of levels of violet andesitic lavas with rare levels of calcareous sandstones interbedded with conglomerates, limestones and welded tuffs attributed to the Rio Grande Formation. The succession continues with levels of volcanic agglomerates being intruded by N120° dykes of the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. The Mesozoic units lay under the sedimentary rocks of the Moquegua Formation of Eocene-Oligocene age and to ignimbrite levels of the Parinacochas caldera of Miocene age (9.97 ± 0.38, U-Pb). Intrusive rocks are well exposed in the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles, covering more than 60% of the area. Regional outcrops are in the shape of elongated E-W belts, controlled by EW faults and little stocks. The intrusive ages decreases from the coast to the hinterland. With the field observations and microscopic studies, combined with geochemistry and isotopic geochronology, the intrusions are divided in five (5) periods, (i) Ordovicic (471-463 Ma), (ii) Middle Jurassic (168 -157 Ma), (iii) Late Jurassic (153-145 Ma), (iv) Early Cretaceous (141-112 Ma) and (v) Late Cretaceous (92-71 Ma). The main structures have a E-W and N110° orientation affecting the Precambrian and Paleozoic units in the southern area of the study area. The more important structures are the Choclón, Torrez Grande, Medanos and Pan de Azucar faults, probably older structures that have suffered early movements in the area geologic history. The northern zone the structures are left-lateral faults that affect the Coastal Batholith and have a ~N140° orientation. The most important faults from this domain are the Calpa and Achanizo faults. Field studies of the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles, have helped to identify new occurrences of economic minerals having metallic and nonmetallic minerals. The presence of Au, Cu and relationships of Fe-Mn, Pb-Zn, limestones and gypsum minerals define the economic geology of the area. The Au and Cu minerals are the main economic ore deposits while Fe-Mn are secondary in respect to the former. In the Chala river, northern Arequipa, Au exploitation from veins is the most active in the western part of the study area. Mineralization in the study area is associated to the intrusion of big volumes of magmatic material, during the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. The biggest part of the metallic occurrences are associated to quartz veins, oxides and gouge, but also there are mineralization evidences associated to IOCG and Cu porphyry deposits.
[EN] -- The study area is located within the Ayacucho and Arequipa regions; reaching the Caraveli province and the Atico and Chaparra districts. It is located between 15°30’ S and 16°15’S. Morphologically it is located between the coastal line and the western edge of the Western Cordillera in the southern Peruvian Andes. The geomorphlogical units were defined by their physiographic characteristics, lithologic composition, erosional aspects and tectonic features. These units are called the Coastal Plain, Pampa Redonda Depression, west border of the Western Cordillera and incised valleys. The stratigraphy of the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles is composed by clastic, volcano-clastic and carbonate sequences, which ages range from the Paleozoic to the Cenozoic. Contacts of these units in some cases are controlled by E-W faults, and in other cases there are disconformities and angular and/or erosional unconformities between the different stratigraphic units. The older rocks are gneises, migmatites and mica schists of hornblende and chlorite composition of the Coastal Basal Complex of Paleoproterozoic - Neoproterozoic age (1862±8.11 - 996.4 ± 5.3 Ma. U-Pb), these are intruded by diorites, sienogranites and monzogranites of Ordovician ages (471.0 ± 3.7 Ma, U-Pb), these units are being covered unconformably by sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic ages from Ambo, Tarma and Mitu Groups. The Mesozoic rock outcrops are NW of Atico and SW of Chaparra, where the Chocolate Formation lays, this sequence of the Lower Jurassic is composed of andesitic lavas interbedded with volcanic breccia. On top of this unit there is a volcano-sedimentary of Middle Jurassic age (162 ± 0.5 Ma, U-Pb), composed of levels of violet andesitic lavas with rare levels of calcareous sandstones interbedded with conglomerates, limestones and welded tuffs attributed to the Rio Grande Formation. The succession continues with levels of volcanic agglomerates being intruded by N120° dykes of the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. The Mesozoic units lay under the sedimentary rocks of the Moquegua Formation of Eocene-Oligocene age and to ignimbrite levels of the Parinacochas caldera of Miocene age (9.97 ± 0.38, U-Pb). Intrusive rocks are well exposed in the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles, covering more than 60% of the area. Regional outcrops are in the shape of elongated E-W belts, controlled by EW faults and little stocks. The intrusive ages decreases from the coast to the hinterland. With the field observations and microscopic studies, combined with geochemistry and isotopic geochronology, the intrusions are divided in five (5) periods, (i) Ordovicic (471-463 Ma), (ii) Middle Jurassic (168 -157 Ma), (iii) Late Jurassic (153-145 Ma), (iv) Early Cretaceous (141-112 Ma) and (v) Late Cretaceous (92-71 Ma). The main structures have a E-W and N110° orientation affecting the Precambrian and Paleozoic units in the southern area of the study area. The more important structures are the Choclón, Torrez Grande, Medanos and Pan de Azucar faults, probably older structures that have suffered early movements in the area geologic history. The northern zone the structures are left-lateral faults that affect the Coastal Batholith and have a ~N140° orientation. The most important faults from this domain are the Calpa and Achanizo faults. Field studies of the Atico (33o) and Chaparra (32o) quadrangles, have helped to identify new occurrences of economic minerals having metallic and nonmetallic minerals. The presence of Au, Cu and relationships of Fe-Mn, Pb-Zn, limestones and gypsum minerals define the economic geology of the area. The Au and Cu minerals are the main economic ore deposits while Fe-Mn are secondary in respect to the former. In the Chala river, northern Arequipa, Au exploitation from veins is the most active in the western part of the study area. Mineralization in the study area is associated to the intrusion of big volumes of magmatic material, during the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. The biggest part of the metallic occurrences are associated to quartz veins, oxides and gouge, but also there are mineralization evidences associated to IOCG and Cu porphyry deposits.
Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico - INGEMMET
Torres, D.; Santos, A.; Ccallo,W.; Soberon, D.; Guo, W; Liu, J.; Zeng, Y. & Xu, M. (2017) - Geología de los cuadrángulos de Atico y Chaparra hojas 33o y 32o. INGEMMET, Boletín Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional, 149, 183 p., 2 mapas (escala:1:100 000)
Actualización de la Carta Geológica Nacional, escala:1:100 000.
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