- Repositorio Institucional INGEMMET
- Boletines Geológicos
- Boletín Ingemmet. Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional
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Geología del cuadrángulo de Rioja, Hoja 13i - [Boletín A 150]
INGEMMET, Boletín Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional;n. 150
[ES] -- El cuadrángulo de Rioja (13i) está ubicado en el norte del Perú, dentro de las regiones Amazonas y San Martín. El área se encuentra en el paso de la Cordillera Oriental a la Zona Subandina, ambas morfoestructuras están limitadas por las fallas Naciente y Quebrada Honda. La geomorfología se caracteriza por presentar valles, cordilleras, depresiones y zonas montañosas. El principal aporte estratigráfico es el cartografiado de rocas pre-Grupo Mitu, atribuidas al Grupo Tarma del Carbonífero. En la Cordillera Oriental se encuentran las rocas más antiguas desde el Carbonífero al Eoceno, en tanto que en la Zona Subandina están las más jóvenes desde el Jurásico al Mioceno. Desde el Carbonífero, se han desarrollado ocho grandes eventos tectonosedimentarios, cuyo resultado son las rocas estratigráficas que afloran dentro del cuadrángulo de Rioja. En el primer evento se depositaron areniscas y calizas de un ambiente marino continental que corresponden al Grupo Tarma; en el segundo, del Triásico Medio, se originaron areniscas rojas y conglomerados de origen continental atribuidos al Grupo Mitu; el tercer evento tuvo lugar entre el Triásico superior-Jurásico inferior, originó calizas marinas del Grupo Pucará; en el cuarto evento se depositaron abundantes areniscas rojas de la Formación Sarayaquillo, y areniscas blanquecinas de los grupos Oriente y Goyllarisquizga; seguidamente, en el quinto ciclo, del Cretácico medio, nuevamente se depositaron calizas, pero ahora acompañadas de lutitas negras y verdes de las formaciones Chulec y Chonta, pasando hasta areniscas de la Formación Vivian. A fines del Cretácico superior empezó el levantamiento de los Andes, el cual originó el sexto evento tectono-estratigráfico. Se depositaron lutitas y areniscas rojas de las formaciones Cachiyacu-Huchpayacu. El inicio de la cuenca de Antepaís corresponde al séptimo evento que tuvo lugar entre el Eoceno-Neógeno inferior. En el cuadrángulo de Rioja se depositaron areniscas, y lutitas rojas de llanura de inundación y fluvial distal de las formaciones Yahuarango y Chambira. Finalmente, en el Neógeno se inició el octavo evento; se comenzó a configurar el relieve actual y se depositaron sedimentos más gruesos como areniscas y conglomerados de las formaciones Ipururo y Yorongos, y los sedimentos recientes. Los estilos estructurales varían de un sector a otro. En efecto, en la Cordillera Oriental se encuentran pliegues kilométricos que son el resultado de la actividad de fallas ciegas, cuyos niveles de despegue se encuentran en la base del Grupo Tarma o en Paleozoico inferior, los mismos que son atribuidos a un estilo estructural de un graben invertido. La Zona Subandina presenta pliegues relacionados a fallas con niveles de despegue en la base de la Formación Sarayaquillo y su estilo estructural corresponde a una faja corrida y plegada. En el cuadrángulo de Rioja no existen yacimientos metálicos, pero se encuentra el Grupo Pucará, que es el principal metalotecto de yacimientos del tipo MVT. Existen sectores en donde las calizas del Grupo Pucará se encuentran piritizadas y cerca se encuentra un intrusivo granodiorítico (Cretácico o Eoceno) cuyo afloramiento no está bien definido. Todas las unidades estratigráficas, de acuerdo con sus características litológicas, pueden ser aprovechadas para la ejecución de obras civiles. Por ejemplo, las calizas del Grupo Pucará actualmente son usadas por la fábrica Cemento Selva e igualmente con las calizas de la Formación Chonta son explotadas para lastre en la construcción de carreteras. Las areniscas del Grupo Oriente y Formación Ipururo son explotadas como arena para la construcción. Las gravas cuaternarias y los sedimentos conglomerádicos de la Formación Ipururo son usados como subbase en las carreteras.
[EN] -- The Rioja Quadrangle (13i) is located in the northern part of Perú, between the Amazonas and San Martin regions. These regions are characterized geomorphology by a series of valleys, depressions and mountain ranges. Morpho- structurally, Rioja quadrangle (13i) is situated in the border of the Eastern Cordillera and Sub-Andean Zone, which are bounded by the Quebrada Honda and the Naciente faults systems. The main stratigraphic results achieved in this study are a new definition, interpretation and mapping of a pre-Mitu sequence, which previously was considered as part of the Tarma Group, Carboniferous in age. In the Eastern Cordillera most of the outcrops correspond to sedimentary units varying from Carboniferous to Eocene, while in the Subandean Zone corresponds to units from Jurassic to Miocene. Since Carboniferous time, eight tectono-sedimentary events can be distinguished in the Rioja Quadrangle (13i). The first tectonosedimentary event corresponds to the Tarma Group; it is made by a succession of sandstones and limestones sequences deposited in a continental to marine environment. The Second event attributed to Mitu Group; which it is composed by series of red sandstone and conglomerate. These sequences are interpreted as continental environment and Triassic in age. The third event is chracterized by a succession of marines limenstone of the Pucara Group (Upper Triassic – Lower Jurassic). The fouth event corresponds to the deposition of continental red sandstones called as Sarayaquillo Formation, overlaid by deltaic to marine white sandstones of Oriente or Goyllarisquizga Groups. Fifth event corresponds mainly to marine sequences deposited during Middle Cretaceous. Lithologically, start by a succession of limestones and black and green shales named as Chulec and Chonta formations. This event ends by sandstones of the Vivian Formation. The sixth tectono – stratigraphic event is associated to the onset and uplift of the Andes Mountain during Upper Cretaceous. As response to this geodynamic change, the sedimentation evolves rapidly from marine to ore continental facies. Lithologically is representd by red shales and sandstone of the Cachiyacu-Huchpayacu formations. During the Tertiary continuous the uplift of the Andes Mountains and occurs the emplacement of a foreland basin in the study area. The seventh tecto- stratigraphic event is represented by sequences associated to the beginning of the Foreland Basin. In the Rioja Quadrangle corresponds to red sandstones and shales deposited in flood plain and distal fluvial enviroments. These sequences are interpreted as Yahuarango and Chambira formations, respectively. The eighth event Neogene in age, it is characterized by the sedimentation of a thick sequence of sandstones and conglomerates. These sequences interpreted as Ipururo and Yorongos formations. Style of deformation varies along the study area. In the Eastern Cordillera, field mapping shows large and continous folds associted to reverse faults and inverted graben. Two detachment levels have been identified. Shally sequences of the base of Tarma Group represent the shallower detachmnet level. The depper detachmnet is associated to shale intervals of the Lower Paleozoic. In the Subandean Zone, the detachmnet level of the thrusting system are located in the base of the Saraquillo Formation. Metallic deposit hasn´t been identified in the study area, but the Pucara Group presence could suggest some economic potential. In the surrounding areas, the Pucara is the main metallogenic unit for MVT deposits. In the Rioja Quadrangle have identified some areas, where the limestones of the Pucara Group show a deep pyritization process and its located near of Cretaceous and Eocene granodiorite intrusive. These areas need to be re- evaluated and mapping in more detail. All stratigraphic units identified in the Rioja Quadrangle contain rocks with specific characteristic that can be used for civil works. For example, the Pucara limestones are currently used by the factory «Cement Selva». Limestones of Pucara Group and Chonta formation are exploited for ballast in the roads construction. Sandstones rocks of the Oriente Group and Ipururo Formation are used as sand for construction. Quaternary gravels and the conglomeratic sediments from the Ipururo formation are used as sub base on the roads. The old roads that connected the Chachapoyas and Rioja cities currently they do not have a lot of traffic. These areas and roads have great attractive showing various climates and habitats along trajects and they can be used for adventure hiking. The Cavern Omia found in this area could be declared as a geological heritage.
[EN] -- The Rioja Quadrangle (13i) is located in the northern part of Perú, between the Amazonas and San Martin regions. These regions are characterized geomorphology by a series of valleys, depressions and mountain ranges. Morpho- structurally, Rioja quadrangle (13i) is situated in the border of the Eastern Cordillera and Sub-Andean Zone, which are bounded by the Quebrada Honda and the Naciente faults systems. The main stratigraphic results achieved in this study are a new definition, interpretation and mapping of a pre-Mitu sequence, which previously was considered as part of the Tarma Group, Carboniferous in age. In the Eastern Cordillera most of the outcrops correspond to sedimentary units varying from Carboniferous to Eocene, while in the Subandean Zone corresponds to units from Jurassic to Miocene. Since Carboniferous time, eight tectono-sedimentary events can be distinguished in the Rioja Quadrangle (13i). The first tectonosedimentary event corresponds to the Tarma Group; it is made by a succession of sandstones and limestones sequences deposited in a continental to marine environment. The Second event attributed to Mitu Group; which it is composed by series of red sandstone and conglomerate. These sequences are interpreted as continental environment and Triassic in age. The third event is chracterized by a succession of marines limenstone of the Pucara Group (Upper Triassic – Lower Jurassic). The fouth event corresponds to the deposition of continental red sandstones called as Sarayaquillo Formation, overlaid by deltaic to marine white sandstones of Oriente or Goyllarisquizga Groups. Fifth event corresponds mainly to marine sequences deposited during Middle Cretaceous. Lithologically, start by a succession of limestones and black and green shales named as Chulec and Chonta formations. This event ends by sandstones of the Vivian Formation. The sixth tectono – stratigraphic event is associated to the onset and uplift of the Andes Mountain during Upper Cretaceous. As response to this geodynamic change, the sedimentation evolves rapidly from marine to ore continental facies. Lithologically is representd by red shales and sandstone of the Cachiyacu-Huchpayacu formations. During the Tertiary continuous the uplift of the Andes Mountains and occurs the emplacement of a foreland basin in the study area. The seventh tecto- stratigraphic event is represented by sequences associated to the beginning of the Foreland Basin. In the Rioja Quadrangle corresponds to red sandstones and shales deposited in flood plain and distal fluvial enviroments. These sequences are interpreted as Yahuarango and Chambira formations, respectively. The eighth event Neogene in age, it is characterized by the sedimentation of a thick sequence of sandstones and conglomerates. These sequences interpreted as Ipururo and Yorongos formations. Style of deformation varies along the study area. In the Eastern Cordillera, field mapping shows large and continous folds associted to reverse faults and inverted graben. Two detachment levels have been identified. Shally sequences of the base of Tarma Group represent the shallower detachmnet level. The depper detachmnet is associated to shale intervals of the Lower Paleozoic. In the Subandean Zone, the detachmnet level of the thrusting system are located in the base of the Saraquillo Formation. Metallic deposit hasn´t been identified in the study area, but the Pucara Group presence could suggest some economic potential. In the surrounding areas, the Pucara is the main metallogenic unit for MVT deposits. In the Rioja Quadrangle have identified some areas, where the limestones of the Pucara Group show a deep pyritization process and its located near of Cretaceous and Eocene granodiorite intrusive. These areas need to be re- evaluated and mapping in more detail. All stratigraphic units identified in the Rioja Quadrangle contain rocks with specific characteristic that can be used for civil works. For example, the Pucara limestones are currently used by the factory «Cement Selva». Limestones of Pucara Group and Chonta formation are exploited for ballast in the roads construction. Sandstones rocks of the Oriente Group and Ipururo Formation are used as sand for construction. Quaternary gravels and the conglomeratic sediments from the Ipururo formation are used as sub base on the roads. The old roads that connected the Chachapoyas and Rioja cities currently they do not have a lot of traffic. These areas and roads have great attractive showing various climates and habitats along trajects and they can be used for adventure hiking. The Cavern Omia found in this area could be declared as a geological heritage.
Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico - INGEMMET
Rodríguez, R.; Cueva, E.; Sánchez, E.; Ojeda, D., Fabian, C. & Giraldo, E. (2017) - Geología del cuadrángulo de Rioja, Hoja 13i. INGEMMET, Boletín, Serie A: Carta Geológica Nacional, 150, 82 p., 4 mapas (Escala 1:50 000)
82 páginas, 4 mapas (Escala 1:50 000)
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